How can you as a parent help your child with their schooling. Well this is what I would like to discuss. I am a certified teacher and would like to have a broader reach than my small impact.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Files for you to have
I will also be making a list of some of the best websites that I have found that will help your child have fun while learning. Here's one right now.
Here is a fun book that we have been reading to our kids. "The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Basil" by Wiley Miller. It really has been fun reading.
Great learning to you.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I Hate Math
"Mom I don't want to do my Math homework.
" I HATE Math."
Does your kid ever say that. Well I know that there are a lot of kids that say they hate math, or english (I was one of those, well I didn't really hate english, it just wasn't my favorite) or any other subject. The reason that certain subjects are hated is because the learner doesn't understand the topic. If the topic were understood it would be easy. Why do us as parents say that we can't help with their math homework, "It was to long ago." Well if it was understood we would easily help with their homework.
What about basketball or football or any other sport? What about sewing, crocheting, knitting? What about reading? Most people that I know that don't like reading are not good readers and the ones that love to read can read fairly well. Same with sports or sewing or anything. The main reason that someone doesn't like something is probably because they really don't understand the topic. For sports if someone got to understand it and watched it they would most likely not hate it any more because they would understand it better. Same with math or any school topic. If the time was taken to learn the rules the certain topic would become understandable, and easier to do.
Another thing that damages our kids is our attitudes toward their schooling. Yes our attitudes.
"O man, I'm not that good with math, I don't know if I can help with that." Things of that nature. So our kids grow up thinking "Man I'm not good with math." or any other subject.
Yes we are good because we are parents and we want our kids growing up thinking that they can accomplish anything that they want to do.
Great learning to you.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Should the students decide what they want to learn?
So should students really decide what they want to learn? If they truly can progress in that type of schooling yes it is probably better for them. Well maybe. I think if you can get a public teacher that really loves what they do and does everything for the kids, and helps them in every possible way then public schools are just as good as any other school.
Great learning to all
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Self Suggestion
Self suggestion is a powerful factor in building character. That is in fact the sole principle through which character is built.
Napoleon Hill
There is a lot of damage that happens to individuals when they think that they are worth nothing, that they aren't good enough, or even stupid. Whatever the case may be it is truly and mightily damaging to the individual. The more that we can encourage our children in their schooling and let them know that they are doing great they will have great character and will be truly great.
Let us help our children really become someone great in kindergarten, 3rd, 5th, whatever grade or endeavor they undertake. And no, no one else really needs to know. We can be great even without someone else knowing.
Positive self suggestion to us all
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Happy day to you
Friday, March 19, 2010
Do you know how your Kids learn?
We as parents need to realize that there are multiple intelligences, meaning that there are different ways that we learn. We are going to discuss multiple intelligences in depth more another time, but what I want to discuss now is a little less in depth. So getting on with it. Some learn best with hands on. Others learn best if they can visually see what they are doing and learning. Some learn best audibly. I have learned through trial and error how my son best learns. (And I guess that is how all of us will and have learned how our child learns best.) He is a mover. The way that he best learns is by moving, being physically active stimulates his brain and he is able to concentrate better. At home and at school when he is at the table he is almost always standing. Teaching has come a long way, there used to be a time when they would not have allowed that. We know and arrange the environment in our classes to best accommodate the students and their needs. At home we should and need to know how our children learn best. Let us give our kid the best opportunity to succeed in their schooling by understanding how they learn best.
Great understanding and learning to you.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Not My Blog
Monday, March 15, 2010
Boys and Girls are different
great leaning to you
Friday, March 12, 2010
Time with our Children
Today I was subbing, and in the class that I was in there are 4 kids that have some real problems at times. They have a tracker that you have to fill in every half an hour on how well they were. You know, some of that is the students themselves and you really need to work with them in trying to provide the very best environment for them. Sometimes that is hard, other times its not to bad when you are able to get a good relation with the student. But a lot of the times it is the environment that is at home. That might sound harsh, but it is so true.
Even tiny little things that we as adults don't think have much impact, really affect our children. At times I can see this with my kids, not to say I am a terrible parent. Kids truly are sensitive to a lot of things that us as adults have become numb to. Time that we spend with our kids is truly one of the best things that we can do to help our children succeed. I mean true time that we spend with our kids, one on one real meaningful time, time that our children think is the best.
My son is really into his Dad right now and when I don't give him some of the individual time that he needs , it almost seems like he feels that he is not as important to me. (And yes sometimes this impacts how he feels about his homework, does he want to do it or not, or how he does it when he does.) Even little time like doing the chores outside means the world to him. And little things like that can mean the world to our kids and make a world of a difference in how they feel at school and their success.
True Time to our Kids
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Topic Rotation
This blog is for you and your questions. How can I help my child with their math homework? How can I help my kid with their reading? Yes I could just answer questions like this, but why I am doing this blog is for you, so for this blog to truly be effective for you, and be the type of blog I would like, I need questions to answer and then research if I don't know the answer. When I don't have questions I think that I am going to set up a schedule with educational tips and insights to help you help your kids with their homework at home.
So starting in April this will be the rotation.
Topic rotation
1st month--Literacy,
2nd month--Math,
3rd month--Science,
4th--The Arts (music, drama, art)
5th month--General help for you at home.
This is going to be the rotation with the topics that I post about. In addition to the questions that you ask. So yes these topics will be posted as well as your questions.
Great learning to you
Friday, March 5, 2010
Our Kids health
Here's a great place to help.
Great Learning. At home. At School. Everywhere.